Ironically wearing a mask on flight felt rather calming. You could get lost in your own thoughts. The drawback is I miss the facial expressions of others, the smiles. Especially when there is a child nearby and I can foster a giggle or smile to make their experience a little better. On the way up I had one child kicking my seat. The Mother apologised, and I was unfazed. Except when I turned around to smile I realized all they say were my eyes and mask! Oh, dear! I did manage to say something afterward to show it was no bother. And then on the return journey, I managed to use my head wobble and eyes to get a smile out of another funny little one - smiles and giggles all round - I must be improving at this dark art of entertainment.
The scene in the plane reminded me of an apocalyptic movie. Rather surreal. and now becoming the norm. This was inevitable I thought for the human race, given we are ghastly overpopulated, overusing resources, and the pace of life is far too disconnected from the natural world. We do well in small communities, however, as a global species, I think we doing incredibly poor!
I was apprehensive, to say the least before my first flight this year since COVID hit the world and changed our landscape.
Wearing a mask is a terrible thought at any stage in my mind. I hate things around my face and the feeling of restriction! However, I was prepared. The nice thing is at this stage you are only required to wear them on the flight, but prior and after in transition you do not have to wear them.
Air NZ staff are so helpful and nice about the whole situation. I guess knowing it is their livelihood and they need the business to survive, they need people to feel comfortable as best possible! I met the nicest people on my flight and in transition - lucky us!
So what should you do to help?
Think hard about your choices. Every day you make a difference and your actions make a difference. Never give up to make the world a better place. That's my take on it! COVID is not going away fast - if ever.
Travel is different and my experience beyond where I live was an eye-opener and given we are so lucky in our country I can only imagine the struggles others must be going through around the world.
Take care of each other.
Wearing a mask is not that easy for everyone and will take some getting use too.
These two were the loveliest flight attendants I have met! Such sweet personalities and making their clients feel at ease with their bright presence. As I was reminded the masks are not for you. You wear them for others - that's a great reason!
We need to work together, even if social distancing is necessary!